Removing Verbs from Objects

=> #4162  (Rocky)

=> {"start"}

[My bot's name is Rocky, he has one start verb, but I accidently
add a second verb named start, as below]

;add_verb(#4162, {#3409, "rxd", "start"}, {"this", "none", "this"})
=> 0

=> {"start", "start"}

[when I @list the verb, I see the code I want, but I'm
afraid that doing @rmverb will delete the wrong verb]

@list #4162:start

#4162:start   this none this
 1:  "";
 2:  "start: send rocky to the machine room";
 3:  "";

        [code listing for the "good" start verb]
27:  endif

[so I use the @rename command, and change ONE of the verbs
to start2 - but I don't know which]

@rename #4162:start to start2
Verb name changed.

@list #4162:start
#4162:start   this none this
(That verb has not been programmed.)

[it turns out that @rename has changed the older verb to

@list #4162:start2
#4162:start2   this none this
 1:  "";
 2:  "start: send rocky to the machine room";
 3:  "";

        [code listing for the "good" start verb]

27:  endif

[so now I can @rmverb 'start' and get rid of the unwanted verb]

@rmverb #4162:start
Verb #4162:start (2) {this none this} removed.

[then rename start2 back to start, and I've got what I want]

@rename #4162:start2 to start
Verb name changed.

@list #4162:start
#4162:start   this none this
 1:  "";
 2:  "start: send rocky to the machine room";
 3:  "";

        [code listing for the "good" start verb]

27:  endif