Products in Blackwood
A major effort in implementing Blackwood was in the definition
of products.
Product People Assignment
Your job is to create the products in the economic
simulation. The product list is just below, each product has a
number in parentheses (e.g. Nails (2)).
Each product must have a set of property values assigned to
them. The procedure should be as follows:
- @create an object that is child to the proper product
e.g. Nails are a child of Blacksmith Products (#661)
- @describe your product, briefly
e.g. Nails would be sold by, say, the unit of 10 pound
- assign the appropriate values to your product's
- .consumer_table (table) - a row for every consumer group
describing their attitudes towards a particular product. There
is a template on the Consumer Table page.
- .adm_numerator (integer) - used to calculate annual demand for
a product
- .adm_denominator (integer) - used to calculate annual demand
for a product
- .features - feature/value pairs used to define the quality,
size, etc. of a model
- .possible_features - feature/value_range pairs to define a
range of possible features and values
- .msrp (integer) - manufacturers suggested retail price
- .singular_name - the word used to name an instance of the
product class (eg. if the product is televisions, this is tv)
- .nountype - either mass (eg. leather) or count (eg. belt)
- .for_sale - 0/1 to indicate whether the product should be part
of the economic simulation at this time
- create at least two models of your product. See example, below.
- on prices: you will need to research the prices of the day,
or base your prices on this fact: in 1880 the price of a good
Farm Horse was $100-$175, the same as the price for a Yoke of
We also know, from the story of George "Rat House" Miller, that
a laborer like Rat House earned about $600 a year.
The Products
Blacksmith Products (#661)
Horseshoes (Installed) (1)
- Nails (2)
Metal Strapping (3)
Equipment Rental (4)
Wheelwright Products (#631)
Wheel Repair (5)
Wheels: Heavy (43)
Wheels: Light (7)
Dry Good Products (#634)
Shovel (8)
Lantern (9)
Sewing Supplies (10)
Wood Stove (11)
Kitchen Goods: Pots and Pan (12)
Kitchen Goods: Dishes (13)
Houseware, Blankets (14)
Farm Seed ()
Hammer (15)
Saw (17)
Pickaxe (18)
Rope (19)
Tailoring Products (#626)
Wool Fabric (20)
Cotton Fabric (46)
Canvas Fabric (22)
Clothing: Dresses (23)
Clothing: Hats (24)
Mending Services (25)
Cartwright Products (#637)
Wagon: Buggy (26)
Wagon: Heavy (27)
Wagon: Conostoga(28)
Wagon Repair (29)
Woodlot Products (#668)
Firewood (1 week supply) (48)
Lumber (31)
Charcoal (32)
Fence Posts (33)
Leather Products (#627)
Halter/Bridle (45)
Clothing: Boots (36)
Clothing: Gloves (37)
Grocery Products (#633)
Supplies (1 week supply) ()
Stable Products (#670)
Feed (38)
Board (39)
Horses: Work (41)
Horses: Riding (42)
Modified: 9Feb99, 10Jan01
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