CS345: Results from Design Day: 13Jan99

The first design decisions concerned the economic roles of the eventual game players and the software agents that would "animate" the economic simulation. In all, there were 8 merchant types defined as children of $g.merchant (these are the roles that game players would take, see table below), and 43 consumer groups as children of $g.cg, which are the infrastructure agents that do the weekly "shopping". Note the merchants are a subset of the consumer groups; for example, there is the Blacksmith merchant type, and there are also consumer agents representing both Blacksmith with kids (#605) and Blacksmith no kids (#596)

Player Roles from Merchant Class

Kids No Kids
Blacksmith * *
Cartwright * *
Wheelwright * *
Dry Goods * *
Tailor * *
Wood Lot Operators * *
Stable * *
Leather Maker * *

Cluster Groups of Consumers

Kids No Kids Single
Carpenter/Builder * *
Teacher *
Farm Owners * *
Farm Laborers * *
Ranch Owners * *

Riverboat/Rail Wrks.

Riverboat/Rail Suprv.

Soldiers- enlisted

Soldiers- officer


Settlers/Transient *


White Collar *

Saloon Owner

Saloon Employee

Government Workers * *
Youth (12-16)

Homemakers *

Wealthy *

If there are problems, errors, or updates, send email to slator@cs.ndsu.edu