A shopper is either dispatched by the simulation at the
beginning of the virtual week, or is dispatched by another
shopper finishing a shopping trip
return "home" and dispatch the next shopper
- create 504 shoppers - may entail creating the generic
- write/acquire/get the dispatch verb from Dollar Bay
- get a programmer login on Dollar Bay. Adapt the code of
#608 #698
- have shoppers running insofar as possible ("fake it somehow")
by March
Employee agent
James Peterson
Employees have ranges of abilities and behaviors, and hence a
range of wages. There is a "pool" of employees that players can
select from.
- wait for consumers to request products
- search store for product
- if product found, offer product to consumer
- if consumer buys product, manage the accouting transaction
- if consumer rejects product, search store for a
cheaper model to offer to consumer
- develop different behavior depending on "level of service"
- periodically check business supplies, inform player if
supplies are low
- periodically check household supplies, inform player if they
are low
- periodically roam through house (perhaps checking supplies)
- periodically roam through town (perhaps purchasing
- periodically visit a banker to get a loan
- interact with players, answering questions, etc.
- Periodically send an unemployed agent around to connected
players asking for work
- go to the same place as Hokanson
- look for code of Employee (#398) and, very important, the
child of #398, Employee Agent(#314)
- employees should be managing their own money
Banker agent
Chad Eddy
There should be a set of bankers in town. They should specialize
to a degree: big loans, small loans, with differing criteria for
credit and collateral
- wait for players to request loans
- wait for employees to request loans
- evaluate player credit and offer differentiated loan terms
- (there is a famous story about the man who walked into a
western back with a four kings and an ace in an envelope, asking
for a loan in order to raise a bet at a poker table - he got the
- periodically visit debtors to look over their operation (and
make suggestions?)
- overdue loans should prompt collection agents
- Banks can be robbed (?), coordinate with Setnes on
implementing the lawless element
Teamster agent
Nathan Green
There should be a variable number of Teamsters in town, and they
should have different equipment and different capabilities. Some
will venture out to distant destinations, some only work in
town. Wagon capacity should be factored in to their scheduling.
- wait for shipments to appear at the dock or the depot, pick
them up and deliver them to players
- interact with other agents and players
- to solicit business?
- to get needed repairs and supplies?
- to deliver products from one player to another?
- need size and weight on products
Newspaper agent
Leah Tilly
The Newspaper agent should create a newspaper, or a set of
newspapers every week. In this era, newspapers were numerous and
competed, sometimes savagely, against each other. Newspapers
were the principal means for transmitting information in this
era, and they would include news stories, advertising (often on
the front page), announcements, and even fiction and
poetry. Newspapers were often politically aligned too.
In Blackwood, the newpaper should be weekly, and should be
"delivered" or made available to every player once a
week. Rather then actually deliver a newspaper object to each
player, though, the newspaper should be a single object with a
verb that allows players to "read" it
- If possible, there should be a national or international
news story every week, in order to transmist the historical
- There should be a way for players to buy advertising in the
paper, and it should be by visiting the newpaper and interacting
with an agent (very much like the direct advertising agent in
Dollar Bay).
- There should be a way for players to buy leaflet style
advertising (again, very much like the direct advertising agent
in Dollar Bay).
- The newspaper should keep an archive of past editions so
players can come and browse through back issues.
- The newspaper should print announcements about new
developments in Blackwood: population increases, arrival of the
railroad, discovery of silver
- The newspaper should periodically print a "local color" type
story, about events in town: elections, visits by dignitaries,
carnival events, etc.
- no more than 322 national/international headline stories
will be needed (one per week: March 1880 to March 1886).
- Local news - get from simulation ex. population
- The newspaper should be the keeper of the timeline; perhaps
a list of lists, one per week, containing the relevant data
- possibility: the newspaper could contain "history" that is
not new; i.e. birth of Hitler (who was actually born in 1889).
the group should discuss this further.
Travelling Salesman agent
Derrick Olson
Travelling salesmen should visit players and attempt to sell
them products. These should be products not otherwise available
through the supplier agent. There should be a range of these
agents, each selling different types of product. For example, a
fur trapper, or a medicine salesman. There is a similar set of
agents in Dollar Bay, in particular the fortune machine salesman
and the art salesman.
Products that players buy from travelling salesman should be
products that the players can in turn sell to others (this is
different than the Dollar Bay model).
See the Fortune Machine Salesman and the Art Salesman #400
Saloon Master agent
Kristopher Setnes
Should borrow from the #331 (Dealer), #650 (Casino Juggler),
#269 (Casino Host), #233 (Dollar Bay Casino), #165 (Street
Shopkeeper agent
Christine Adams
The shopkeepers should attend to the daily business of running a
business. They should order products, set and reset prices, and
so forth.
The objects to reference is #360 (Store Agent) in the Retailing
game. There are a range of verbs implemented with names like:
:play_game, :play_ordering, :play_advertising,
:play_borrowing, etc.
In the retailing game there are 7 personalities named for 7
dwarfs. In Blackwood, each agent should have property to define
what kind of merchant they are, and thereby define what sort of
products they can buy and sell.
The Simulation
- Set the $g.batch flag
- Weekend Calculation: calculate demand for every product by
every consumer agent (results in a "shopping list" for every
- Weekend Calculation: calculate store "attractiveness" for
every store by every consumer agent (results in an ordered list
of stores)
- Weekend Calculation: debit every player for rent, staffing,
liabilities, advertising and purchases
- Clear the $g.batch flag and Initiate the Shoppers
- Arrange for shipments to appear on the Riverboat Dock, and
later at the Train Depot
- Modify neighborhood populations over time