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The Blackwood Project is the first attempt at the "next generation" of role-based virtual environments for education where the pedagogical simulation will support
cross disciplinary content and
choice of roles
to promote player interaction and potential collaborations. This next generation will build on experience gained in designing and implementing the NDSU Dollar Bay Retailing Game, and the NDSU Planet Oit Project.

The Blackwood Project is a part of the research effort of the NDSU Worldwide Web Instructional Committee (WWWIC).

The Blackwood Project will attempt to recreate a virtual 19th century Western town intended to teach American History and Microeconomics. This town will be populated with software agents to simulate an economic environment, and with software tutors to support our educational strategies. The system will be hosted on the Internet and will provide opportunities for research into distance education, intelligent agents, economic simulation, and assessment of pedagogical approaches.


Modified: 29dec98, 16Jul99, 8Jan01, Blackwood graphics by Josh Stompro
Special thanks to the folks at Bonanzaville, USA for their help.
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